Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chief Wilson and President Wilson

In an article of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette on November 6, 1912 columnist, James Jerpe, wrote a few lines about the Pirates players of the day.

Honus was saying he thought there ought to be a week off for the players around the 4th of July.  He said it would bring better baseball and it was hard work playing ball all the time.  It didn't sound like he was complaining but just saying.

He talked about how Ham Hyatt was kidding around with some folks at various times.  Maybe the term "Ham" was cause he was a kidder.  Some say he struggled fielding and that is why the name.  But according to others "Ham" refers to "ham-handed".  Webster's Dictionary says that refers to a person that is clumsy or lacks dexterity.

I thought it was interesting that during the game a particular game the Chief Wilson hit a triple but before it he went to bat he said "Here goes for Woodrow, my old college chum from Jersey."  This occurred the same day Woodrow Wilson was nominated to run for President of the United States.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

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